In January 2020, Crockenhill Village Hall took part in the National Village Hall Day organised and promoted by ACRE and invited regular hirers of the hall to showcase their activities and celebrate 60 years of Crockenhill’s village hall.
The WI, Allotments Association/Produce show, Brownies, Guides, Rainbows, Trefoil Guild, CrockenARA, the farmers market, Preschool, all took part and entertainment was provided by the Guitar Club.
Representatives from Crockenhill Parish Council, Sevenoaks District Councillor Rachel Waterton and Roger Gough from Kent Council Council attended making it a grand affair!
The main draw and focus however, was an exhibition of the history of the hall that was voluntarily researched, put together and displayed by local historian Dr Susan Pittman. Dr Susan Pittman was also on hand to talk to residents about her findings and presentation. It is an incredible body of work which Dr Susan Pittman has donated to Crockenhill Village Hall to include on their website for those that were unable to attend the event and future generations to read.