We are planning to run a professionally performed Comedy Traditional Murder Mystery Event on Saturday evening 17th March starting at 7pm.
It will be set in a Country House situation (ok, the Village Hall!).
Food will be provided (still working on the details) but bring your own drinks. There will be a limited number of tickets at £21.50 each so book soon – leave a message or text our mobile number 07732 036402 with your contact details and number of tickets you want and we will get back to you.
This is a fundraiser for the Village Hall – yes, there will be a Raffle – you are promised a fun evening and are expected to use your own powers of deduction and close questioning of the suspects (actors) to decide WHO DID IT!
More info to follow but suggest you book sooner rather than later!
UPDATE – on 01.03.18
The food we will be providing will be vegetable soup, fish and chips and vanilla ice cream.
If you have other requirements – veggie, vegan etc – please text or leave a message on our mobile number 07732 036402 so that we can get back to you and sort out what you require – thank you.
As indicated previously, please bring your own drinks.
Thank you to everyone who came along and made the evening such a success. General feedback sounds like everyone had a good time.
I will post the amount when I know how much was raised.
Absolutely delighted that so many people enjoyed the evening – loads of positive comments – thank you – very encouraging!
We made £659.21 profit so a huge THANK YOU to everybody who supported us.